Halloween isn’t the only scary thing in October… what scares university students the most: midterms. In the midst of midterms, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed. What feels like endless readings and review questions, I sometimes feel like no there’s…
Why You Should Put Down the Books and Go to Sleep
I have always loved sleep. When I was little, I even used to ask my parents if I could go to bed early, because I loved it that much! (I was an odd kid, but that’s beside the point!) My…
No Rest For the Wicked: Why I Don’t Get 7-9 Hours a Night
Alright, so who else was thrown off by daylight savings? Of course, I’m blaming daylight savings when in reality my sleep schedule has been slowly crumbling ever since I got back from reading week. Right now, we’re less than a…
Learning to be an authentic leader: Leading Together 2019
Waking up before 10am can be quite the struggle, especially on the weekends. But for a laid back student leadership conference at Hart House, I’ll easily make an exception. Even on a chilly Saturday during winter. And although I didn’t catch some extra zzz’s, I did catch some new ideas and inspiration.
The Social Event That Is an All-Nighter
Before I get into things, it’s important to read this poem by Dennis Lee and understand how thoroughly I relate to it: Sometimes my mind is crazy Sometimes my mind is dumb Sometimes it sings like angel wings And beeps…
Self-Care in the Midst of Mental Illness
Last week, I wrote about exercise and mental health. Following up on that, I wanted to share some mental health tips that have been helpful for me! Develop a bedtime routine and stop looking at screens before you go to…
Productive Breaks
Our assignments and tests seem to be on a never-ending roller coaster ride. Just as quickly as the semester began, it is also coming to an end. We survived the post-summer blues, midterm season, and are currently going through that…
The Importance of Rest
Since coming to university, I’ve found that it’s hard to feel like time spent not being productive is not time wasted. If I’m not being active, spending time with friends, or getting something done, I feel guilty. I realized the…
A Much Needed Break
It’s Reading Week!! YASSS! Mid-October to November is usually the busiest time during the semester, so a fall reading week is precisely what I needed in my life. Some of you lucky ones get to go home for the break,…
My (Somewhat Balanced) Life Moves Pretty Fast
"Goodbye." That's always a difficult thing to say, but sadly, this is my last post for Life @ U of T. Being the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) blogger this year has been the opportunity of a lifetime…