During COVID, like many others, I took the opportunity to enhance various aspects of my life. I committed to a more consistent exercise routine, became mindful of my dietary choices, and delved into books I thought would make me "smarter".…
Reflecting on My Break In Anticipation of the New Year 
Reflections are great opportunities not only to do the obvious (to consider something, i.e. to reflect). They are also important in prompting change. What use is there to deliberation, after all, if we do not have an inclination to progress…
6 Things to Start 2020 Off Right
New year, new semester, new schedule, (new me?)! For my first blog post of 2020 I thought I’d share some of my new years resolutions/beginning-of-the-semester goals, with the intention of holding myself to them as well as maybe inspiring a…
Reflecting on my New Year’s resolutions
I can’t believe it’s almost March. I feel like January and February have just flown by! Usually they feel like the longest months of the year, but not this time around. Since we’re almost two months into 2019, it seems…
Future Shoes & Present Resolutions
Welcome back, and welcome forward: into a new year! 2015 brings many things; not the least of which is that Marty McFly should be showing up (along with some sweet kicks), and not the most of which is that I…
New Year, New Resolutions.
It’s 2014. Second semester has already started and I’m still trying to settle in. Along with my two full-year courses, I’ve got three new half-year courses, so my schedule has completely changed. And speaking of change, my schedule isn’t the…
Do What Makes You Happy!
Over the Winter Break, I did a lot of eating. And by a lot, I mean A LOT! At one point, I had eaten 5 dinners over 3 days. My stomach never ceases to amaze me. But eating wasn’t the…
its a new dawn, its a new day
First, I’d like to say that I’m thankful that we all didn’t die a horrible, zombie apocalypse death on December 21. Instead, we later got word that Kim and Kanye were expecting a Lil Kim, and somewhere in the universe, Ryan…
In the gym, now what?
Readers, can you believe it's already the third week of January? It's the time of year when I usually realize that my ambitious New Year's resolutions have failed epically. But this year, I actually seem to be developing a routine…
Just dooooo it!! Turn those resolutions into healthy habits
This year, I will get to the gym more. I'll confess, that was last year's resolution too. But I was teaching in the UK and traveling most weekends, so it was hard to get into a routine. Well, that's my…