What is ergonomics and how can it help you protect your body while working from home?
What You Should Know About Nutrition (According to a Nutritionist)
This week, I spoke to Eric Williamson, a nutritionist, to find out what we should be eating to optimize our health and boost immunity. Along the way, I poke at all the bears: vitamin supplements (are they necessary??), weird diets and the mysterious transformation in which foods that are Very Bad For You become superfoods.
Going Running at the Athletic Centre
In which I realize running with friend beats running alone, even if they can run much faster for much longer than you can.
Fit Mix is the right mix
In which I find out what a fit mix is, and enjoy myself more than I believed possible.
MoveU’s Got a Break for your Brain
The stakes were high. There were free things to be obtained.
Always tired? Mindfulness might help
It's so unbelievably good to disconnect completely from the ceaseless cycle of deadlines that is university academics.
Staying Active as a Student: How You Can Do It
Last week, I conducted a thorough interrogation friendly interview of four first-year students who’ve managed to make time for physical activity alongside academics. I noticed that all four of them had stuff in common, stuff that could potentially help anyone…
Skating for the First Time at MoveU’s Scary Skate
I didn’t actually know how to skate when I showed up at MoveU’s Scary Skate on Halloween. (I still don’t.) I’ve wanted to go ice skating for a while now, ever since I’d known that it was a possibility (and…
Learning to be an authentic leader: Leading Together 2019
Waking up before 10am can be quite the struggle, especially on the weekends. But for a laid back student leadership conference at Hart House, I’ll easily make an exception. Even on a chilly Saturday during winter. And although I didn’t catch some extra zzz’s, I did catch some new ideas and inspiration.
School is hard and your brain deserves a break
School can be overwhelming at any time of year, but it’s especially stressful during exam season. If we aren’t grinding through papers and assignments, we’re staying up studying for exams. It can be really challenging fitting in healthy habits during…