And then an o-m-a-n. That’s right, woman! March 8th is International Women’s Day. And there has never been a better time to celebrate our presence on campus. The long history of female progression within the university hierarchy is a great story.…
Harry Potter and U of T?!
Any Harry Potter fans out there? If you are, then I am sure you know what happened this weekend. Yesssssss, Deathly Hallows (part 1) was released in theatres! I grew up with Harry Potter. I remember devouring the first three…
A Lecture about Lectures
Last week I went to a lecture and walked out of it feeling completely inspired and enlightened. It wasn't for school though - it was a lecture I went to for fun. What’s that you say? For fun? That's impossible! I know lectures aren't usually…
Social Impact 101
One of the things that I resolved to try this school year was to attend lectures and seminars offered at U of T that weren't necessarily related to my subject of study. Luckily, this resolution was much easier to keep…
Eight ways to guarantee an exam mark between C+ and F
They are here. Can you hear them? I can hear them. I can even smell them! Their papery little bodies quivering with laughter as they loom ghoulishly in the shadows, waiting to tear into me with their sharp claws. All right, so…
Peering through the sea of heads
Since I have the pleasure of being short, in several large third-year classes, and possibly just unlucky, I often don't have much of a view in classrooms. Staring at the back of someone's head can be dull! And I've noticed…
What I call the Apocalypse U of T calls The Distinguished Lecturer Series: one way to deal with fear.
There's something about waking in the still-dark hours of the night that causes me to lapse into a temporary bout of intense anxiety, in which I worry about any of the following things: 1) whether or not I really am…
You Pay for the Chance to Take a Test
A friend of mine was chastised by another in conversation, as he had admitted to skipping class now and again. "You pay for your classes, you know." His wise response: "You pay for the chance to take a test." Do…
Work your writing
As a history specialist I’m always writing. I have protracted wars with my work on a regular basis; fighting diction in single combat; thrashing sentences apart only to stitch them back together again; that right word my constant nemesis, elusive…