This past week I attended one of U of T’s stress management workshops. If any of you have time I definitely suggest going to the workshops offered by Academic Success—and for those of you who can’t, have no fear because…
Physical Activity and the Awareness-Action Gap
In the past week I have conducted an (informal) survey of first-year undergraduate students. Shout out to everyone who answered my umpteen questions, despite being generally overwhelmed with work! You have made possible the pursuit of truth. Two broad categories…
Counselling: My Leap and its Successful Landing
Two weeks ago, I visited the on-location Health & Wellness counsellor here at the Faculty of Engineering. It was one of the biggest steps I have taken on my journey to understanding my health and getting the proper accessibility needs.…
Being Restful and Productive During Reading Week
Congratulations everyone! We have finally made it to Reading Week! These last two weeks have been extremely stressful, and I found myself in an endless cycle of waking up, attending lectures, and then going home and immediately start studying. Last…
Affirmations for those with Anxiety
For me, a lot of my symptoms revolve around unnecessary fear and discomfort. As an example, I randomly and suddenly feel incredibly on-edge when there are sudden loud noises in places, or if I feel trapped when I am on…
PMS as a student
It's a common experience, but it's also a taboo: pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and it is important to talk about it. PMS symptoms and degree differ between girls. For myself, I become irritable and stressed. I also experience insomnia, loneliness, an…
Movement breaks for managing the madness of midterm season
For most of us, the days leading up to an exam are very much like those of a ship caught in a tempest: All hands on deck! Trim the mast! Check that the vessel hasn’t sprung a leak! (Alright, so…
Living With Chronic Illness At University
About three months ago, I developed a chronic stomach condition related to damage of my stomach lining. Because of my condition, I was nauseous and had stomach pain continuously, which was really hard. Today, I want to talk about some…
Slowing Down and Self Care, Part Two
As everyone bustles by, I sit and will the room to stop spinning- to stop filling my brain with useless fog, and to stop the sleep from stealing my days away from me. Time is what everyone wants, but I…
Aaniin! As a student in a program that requires always having your nose in a book, I’ve found it personally challenging to make time for leisure reading. Don’t get me wrong—I love reading, but it almost feels like a chore.…