Why I’m Setting Career Goals This Year

An arrangement of shrubs and flowers partially cover front campus and University College
Front campus, in all its glory
It was my first day of classes at the University of Toronto, and I stepped onto the trampled turf of front campus with a pair of juvenile—and, admittedly, cliché—Converse and a backpack-sized collection of goals for the incoming year. I was brimming with a plethora of productive emotions, such as anxiousness, homesickness, and—probably the most helpful one—fear. Luckily, I made it out first year alive, and with zero regrets. Zero regrets, that is, except for one.

At the risk of sounding too “Eat, Pray, Love”…

Long time, no see, U of T! I've been caught up in exams and the culmination of my undergraduate career, and as life goes, the time has just flown by way too quickly. (Exams went well overall, so I am quite pleased). 

Me sitting on the grass on Hart House Lawn
Me at the start of this school year (me now below)

And somehow I landed here at this moment, writing my last post for Life @ UofT and bidding you all a warm farewell. I’m hoping it won’t be too lame or cliché or sentimental, but since I am all of those things it probably will be.