The last week of classes are looming upon us and before you know it we get a taste of sweet freedom (aka Holiday break). But before we can take that breath of fresh air, we have to endure the stress and anxiety…
Random study/worky tips (or, $%@#%#$@ — OMG!)
It's the most wonderful time of the year... MULTI-ESSAY WEEK For other students, this may be Super-Multi-Exam Week, Superior-Memorization Week, Assignment-Death-Match Week, Read-All-Those-Chapters-You-Didn't-Read-for-the-Last-Three-Months Week, etc. In a desperate attempt to correct erroneous and dooming work habits of the past before…
Eight ways to guarantee an exam mark between C+ and F
They are here. Can you hear them? I can hear them. I can even smell them! Their papery little bodies quivering with laughter as they loom ghoulishly in the shadows, waiting to tear into me with their sharp claws. All right, so…
How not to go crazy during the exam crunch
Ah the glorious hell that is pre-exam time. Your room has dirty clothes and garbage (mostly packaging from unhealthy snacks) strewn across the floor and every other flat surface — amidst, of course, the disorienting sea of paper that has…
A Cup of Summation with a Dash of Fortuity
Welp, my last exam is in… 44 minutes. Not looking forward to it. For various, emotional and psychological reasons, I have not been myself this semester. Keyword: Apathy. Subtext: Delusions of grandeur. Playing the DVD backwards: Unadulterated sadness. But one…
The Monsters
I’m tired of talking about exams. Really tired. I know they’re out there. Looming in the distance. Under my bed. In my closet. In the dark. In my books. In my laundry basket. With their long creepy green…
The Awesome Mind-Altering Powers of Excessive Cramming
Yes...Heather had all of her finals for the semester in class (whoa...third person?) Anyways, it's stressful and horrible, but I have expressed this experience in cartoon form for you. Somewhat. - Heather
Bloodletting Yet No Miraculous Cures
For those who did not get the Vincent Lam allusion, just think of the title as a more collegiate way of saying "screwed". Which many of us have been and will be during every midterm and exam season. The following,…