I feel like I should call yesterday's post the "West End Edition", because then today's can be the "North End Edition" and tomorrow's the "Centre Edition", but I've already named yesterday's post. In the spirit on continuity, let's just keep…
The best quiet spots on campus – Part 1
Have you ever walked around campus with all its bustling and hustling, and wondered where on St. George can you find a quiet spot to study, relax, or eat? I wondered too, and I polled the students who were interviewed…
How to manage your finances as a student
Image Source: http://sites.google.com/a/saline.k12.mi.us/early/study-bucks I find it incredibly tempting when I receive a large sum of money from OSAP at the beginning of each term to just spend it. After all, it seems like there's more than enough to cover tuition, so…
Still looking for a summer job? Don’t despair!
Don't have a summer job, but want one? I know a lot of you started summer job search as early as December, but some of you are still jobless, and I know - it's almost half way through the summer…
Out and proud with LGBTQ @ U of T!
Image Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rainbow_flag_and_blue_skies.jpg I still remember the first time a friend of mine told me he was gay. I didn't know how to respond, and all I could say was: "That's great. Oh. Oh." Looking back, I'm glad he was…
How to protect yourself online
Image: Macro Cat (via Freshbytes) Cyber bullying, stranger danger, harassment... we've all heard about the bad thing that is The Internet. From various celebrity photo scandal (Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens, anyone?), to ruined professional reputation to being killed by…
blogUT vs UpbeaT, ROUND 3, GO!
blogUT vs UpbeaT, ROUND 2, GO!
Happy Thursday! Contrary to the title, we're not actually going Rambo behind the scenes. Today in installment 2, we talk about the wonders of blogs and social media.
blogUT vs. UpbeaT, ROUND 1, GO!
Over the past week, I've had the pleasure of msn-ing the two editors of blogUT. Julia, Lori and I chatted about life as bloggers. So from today till Friday, I'll post our conversation in trilogy. Here's installment 1. Watch as I leave in the middle and leave the co-editors to fend for themselves.
A Diary in Pictures: Day(s) in the Life of an Intern
Since I started my job, a lot of people have asked me what is it that I do when I come in in the morning. Apart from my Weekly Wednesday post, what happens in my day? Well, I'm glad you asked, so today's post is all about me. ME. A day in the life of an intern. Why don't we start from the very beginning?
Cynthia's Day at the Office
Every morning, I wake up at 6:50am, take a shower, brush my teeth... oh wait. Not interesting? Okay. Let's fast forward a bit.