Sounds like a great beginning to a Taylor Swift song doesn't it? I think so. If you're in first year life science, engineering or any kind of science -- you will have to deal with labs. What are labs? Well,…
It was either Bruno Mars dancing with Sesame Street characters or The Climb. So, here I am; entering my second year and I find myself writing a list of goals for the year. I'm pretty sure most students don't do…
Sarah “Honey BooBoo” vs. the LSATs: Round Two
Remember that Eagle/Wind proverb I always quote? Well, here’s how it helped me get past screwing up on a standardized test. Just like the eagle needs wind to soar higher, we need to be challenged to grow. Writing the LSAT…
the way it is – a letter to my first year self.
If you aren't familiar with this song, you are probably familiar with Tupac's Changes. That song heavily samples "The Way It Is". To my first year self, So, you're sitting at home constantly googling "U of T" and seeing what…
Book Hunting
In my last year of high school, all my teachers reminded us that this would be the last year we would be getting our books from the library. After we leave the safe halls of grade school, we're going to…
You Major in What?
Throughout my time here, one of the very first things people ask you - also a common ice breaker during frosh week - is what you’re studying, as there are more than a few things out there to major, minor,…
One Step
Two days ago, I found myself hiding in a washroom on campus, nervous and shaky. I reviewed my notes on my tablet, mouthing what I was going to say wordlessly, frantically. I was counting down time. 8 minutes. Oh look!…
freaks and geeks – the first year of a life science student
Hey, I'm Abdullah! Starting today, I'll be blogging for Life @ U of T. I'm a Cell and Molecular Bio student minoring in Psychology and American Studies. I'm also from UC. I like long walks down University Ave. to Union…
Endings & beginnings
My final post could not have come at a more opportune time. In the torrent of change and conflict and joy that has come in the last few months, I feel as if I have at last been reborn. It feels…
These are the things we’ll miss the most after graduation
Yesterday I received an email from the Office of Convocation. It's almost time. So, with the threat and/or promise of graduation becoming a clearer and more prominent figure on the horizon, I've compiled a list of essential U of T…