I’m nearing the end of my fourth year at U of T and I thought it would be fun to share a list of my ‘favourites’ from study spots to club events! Some of the favourites I have included are…
Setting Goals During Uncertain Times
A couple weeks ago, I attended a ULead workshop on how to set goals during the pandemic. ULead workshops provide basic coaching services on matters related to running clubs, organization, and personal life coaching. They are super easy to sign…
5 at-home activities that I do to be more sustainable
Sustainability in these times can be so tough and in fact hard to implement. I might have to wear another set of plastic gloves but if I can find a substitute I'll switch - e.g. using a reusable mask. At…
A student’s perspective of the King’s College Circle, Front Campus, changes at U of T
There's a huge transformation called the 'Landmark Project' happening to Front Campus or King's College Circle. In front of University College, there's a whole load of construction for the foreseeable future. From plans of removing the road to adding sustainable…
U of T’s New Pen Pal Initiative
This year it’s easy to feel disconnected from friends and, at the same time, it's been exhausting to keep in contact via Zoom. Something that I really miss about in-person classes is the little conversations I used to have with…
The Importance of Taking Care of Your Living Space
This is the first time that I’ve ever lived in my own place, away from parents and outside of residence. I know it’s a weird time where many of us are living at home with family, but when I was…
Reflections On My First Half of Fourth Year
This week, I start my last term of undergrad! It’s so crazy to think about how far I’ve come and how fast the years have gone. This week, I wanted to reflect on how my first term of fourth year…
Completing My Virtual Exchange Term
Now that I’ve completed my exams at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and received back my results, I have officially completed my virtual exchange term! It seems that just yesterday I started my term so I really can’t believe…
Inspiration and How It Can Help Motivate You
It’s that point in the semester when life gets pushed to the side and it’s all about crunching in as much studying as possible. For me, this usually leads to feeling unmotivated (and miserable!) until exam season is over. One…
Experiencing the Learning Strategist: An Interview
A couple weeks ago, one of my friends had an appointment with a learning strategist at the University of Toronto, and was talking to me about how helpful it was. I had never really heard of this service, so I…