I can’t believe it’s December already. The last few months have been a bit of whirlwind and I’m in need of a break. I’m sure everyone is in the same boat! However, just because classes are out doesn’t mean the…
CCP Exclusive: Exploring inside Musical Minds
Pam-Voice & Piano Instructor/Co-founder I recently had the pleasure to engage in a conversation with one of the Centre for Community Partners Grant recipients-Musical Minds Outreach Program (MMOP). Zahra, one of MMOP's founder and current executive director for the program was…
Design for Change – A better campus for all
Recently I attended a mini-conference called Design for Change for Woodsworth College. Students from first years to final years gathered to have round-table discussions on creating a healthier Woodsworth environment. In this particular context, health is not merely just physical…
Art here, there, and nowhere.
U of T is known for a lot of things, good and bad, however, some things that often go by unnoticed are the little things - things like public art. They have a way of just blending into our world…
Where has the sun gone? To the library!
Do you remember when the last time was you saw the sun? It’s that time of the year again. It has been overcast or raining all week. The trees have shed all their leaves. But it’s not yet time for…
How I Developed My Writing Skills
I have always loved English classes and writing, whether creative or essay-based. Throughout high school, the writing process was relatively natural for me. However, I took an English course in my first year that challenged me to amp up my…
Everyone Loves Puppies!
How having a puppy makes outreach that much easier 🙂 *Meet our mascot/model for ARW 2018-Chiko! Yass girl, flex those muscles~ On Monday, November 13th 2017, Spirit Week for Alternative Reading Week with the Centre for Community Partnerships kicked off…
Touring Soldier’s Tower
Soldiers’ tower was built in 1924 to honour the 1,185 U of T students and faculty who lost their lives in the two World Wars. With its beautiful archways and impressive form, Soldiers’ Tower is probably one of the most…
Mapping Out My Future ?️
Studying abroad is something I have always dreamed of doing. I love travelling and new places, but there’s something different about living in another place, even temporarily. You can’t gain the true experiences and the culture that you would get…
A snapshot of what an Alternative to your next Reading Week could be like!
Ever wondered if there was an alternative to sitting at home planning to do something prooductive like reading your textbook for the very first time since September but end up just binge watching Netflix anyways or being stuck at a…