When I first came to U of T it was daunting. I’d had my heart set on studying in Toronto all throughout high school but that didn’t mean I was prepared for life in the big city. I came from…
Mentorship = Mentoring + Relationship
Just like any relationship, it'll need time and effort. So I probably shouldn't just ask a person to mentor me after meeting them for the first time.
Navigating Space with Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
It’s another way to think about how I navigate the spaces I’m in, while being considerate that there I share this space with others too, and that we’re all navigating this space together.
Meet Me Halfway
From the first day of school on January 28th to today, March 28th marks the halfway point of my exchange. As a check-in with myself (shared with the whole internet), I thought why not evaluate what’s happened. In previous posts…
Inside the Belly of the Beast – After Hours in Robarts
There are two types of people at U of T, ones that do not mind Robarts and ones that dislike it for no particular reason.
Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Community at UofT
Hello everyone! This week I wanted to discuss obstacles students often face when it comes to finding community at UofT and how these can be overcome. I've touched on the importance of community/campus involvement before, but I wanted to bring…
How To: Meet People on Exchange
With two months abroad under my belt, I started to think about the biggest challenges my classmates and I have faced since moving to France. Among the over-consumption of baguette and pastries, we also agreed that making friends initially can…
Going Abroad While Abroad
When I tell people that I’m on an exchange, I often get the question: “Have you done any traveling?” I always find this question surprising! To me, studying abroad is traveling in and of itself. Nonetheless, I understand why it’s…
Welcome to the 21 Sussex Resource Lounge!
Come check out the lounge to discover all the magical space and resources!
#JoyAtUofT: Leading with Joy
“Does it spark joy?” a useful question to ask myself when I'm de-cluttering, and practicing leadership.