The only memories I have of cycling when I was younger were my first tricycle (still have it!), being chased by wild dogs when I tried to learn to bike and trying to bike between joggers; assuming that people would move out of my way when I rung my bell. However, with the guidance of my teammates and cycling daily to and from practice in the Fall and Summer, I can now confidently cycle on the busy streets of Toronto.
Strength Series – Part 2: Career
Exploring careers is like finding the right pair of jeans (I still have yet to accomplish the latter). Basically, I need to keep searching for the right fit, discovering what I like and what I don’t like. It has to feel good in all the right places and I should feel confident in it. I’ll probably have to try a bunch, and even get some tailoring done.
The City as My Classroom – One Programs
Our last class outside the classroom was our "Psychogeographic Walk" in which the goal was to get lost (literally). We created a set of directions such as two lefts then right and stuck to it religiously. We had spent the whole year discovering the city and once you've circled UC two-to-three times, you notice things you often overlook!
Strength Series – Part 1: Explore
“Explore your strengths” is an introductory workshop that focuses on getting to know your top 5 strengths. Before attending the workshop, you complete the online assessment, Clifton Strengths Finder by Strengths Quest, in which you’ll receive a customized report of your top 5 strengths and other useful resources on how to develop them.
Lunch with 30 Strangers – Alumni Events
I met people from across all three UofT campuses in varying disciplines who had come to UofT from Ethiopia, America, India and Cameroon, to name a few. Half of us stayed to help the host, Paul on kitchen-duty while the other half explored the trails and ponds of the 150 acre property. I learnt that Paul was a New College student like me! Everyone kept asking him which year he graduated but he never gave a straight answer.
An open love letter
I had loved others before you. Spent sweltering July days in the presence of those that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. But I was naïve, at the tender age of 16. I didn't see…
It's like a hug
of encouragement.
Letting me know
that I'm going the right way.
The portrait of a leader
I want to share my experiences and discoveries with you, and I encourage you to do the same. Paint your own leadership self-portrait by asking your own questions and trying new things.
Branching out with STEM – Volunteering in Your Field
I'm not sure if I should be concerned about how easily motivated I am by food and free t-shirts.. But I think it's a good starting point to getting more involved with the community of my chosen field of study.
Where I lead, I will follow
"Every time I practice these skills, I also practice my confidence and independence, by exposing myself to new experiences and learning about myself along the way."