Last semester, a group of students fell in love with the English seminar course "Cook the Books". If you're a regular reader, you might remember me blogging about some memorable class adventures and mishaps. We were so enthusiastic and passionate…
An Atheist Love Letter to the Multi-Faith Centre
Sometimes, when the lull of a conversation seems to set in, I like to ask tricky questions: "Is God dead?" is one of my favourites. Part of this is me being sneaky and believing that the only way to break…
mmmmMarch…Sounds tasty!
I. Love. Food. I love cheese; I just turned the corner on olives; I love bread. I love my friend Feeble because she makes the best food in the world, like onion jam!!! (What is that even, other than pure…
Academic Idol: Taiaiake Alfred
It's not often that I turn into a super fan and become tongue-tied but that happened when Kahnawake Mohawk scholar Taiaiake Alfred came to U of T. My professor, Cheryl Suzack, with the help and support of the Aboriginal Studies…
Revenge of the nerds at McGill Science Olympiad
I keep telling people at university that I was cool in highschool but that's mostly a lie. The single counterexample for this is that I was a mathlete. That was as much a geekiness trump card then as my love…
Everyone looks the same in a hair net
I recently started a volunteer placement at a large food bank in Toronto. It was a requirement of a course I'm taking and, to tell you the truth, I was dreading it. I'm so busy, and this just seemed…
I Belize in Student Exchanges
Dear lifeatuoft readers (I still feel like I'm writing postcards), Over Reading Week, I had the opportunity to participate in a Human Biology and Aboriginal Studies student exchange in Belize; ten students coming from different interests and fields of study,…
Navigating the Career Abyss: Extern Job Shadowing, Part 2
If you recall, I signed up for the Career Centre Extern Job Shadowing Program, and this past Reading Week, I’m happy to say, I completed it. I experienced a variety of emotions before, during and after the externship, and in…
The Perfect Storm
In less than one week the perfect storm will engulf my little row boat (this is my attempt at a very non-poetic metaphor for my journey through academia) and it will take all my effort to not capsize. Here’s the deal. In…
TRI. It’s the smart thing to do!
Ah reading week, what a glorious time for a lil R&R! For some of you it may be rest and relaxation, reading and reading or even rallying and retching – whatever your little hearts desire. For me it’s a bit…