I know I hide it well with my inappropriate sense of humour and infinite smile. But let’s be real, I've never been a “mentally stable” person; my heart palpitations are too strong and my thoughts tend to be too dark.…
Unleashing your fierce side, Wen-do style
Before last week, I had never taken any sort of self-defence training in my life. In the back of my head I know that I should be prepared for sticky situations, especially since I live off campus and sometimes commute…
The First Step: Acceptance
While I’ve always enjoyed coffee, lately it’s become an unfortunate life-force, as I’ve quickly discovered I am not the 0.1% of the sturobotdent population that doesn’t need to sleep. This shouldn’t be surprising considering the only all nighter I’ve pulled…
World AIDS Day 2012: Do Something!
November 26th – December 1st is HIV/AIDS Awareness Week, culminating in World AIDS Day on December 1, 2012. Students from the Faculty of Medicine are inviting all students to come to Kings College Circle this Friday, November 30th at 3pm,…
Take a ’90s break
When it came time to sit down and write this post, I have to admit I was at a loss for words. With the semester coming to a close and everyone hunkering down for the long slog of finishing those…
Tech Trouble: Error Messages, Computer Crashes, and Corrupted Files
I had an assignment due last Friday that reminded me how horrible I am at solving tech troubles. My Word file wouldn’t open, my USB key wouldn’t mount, and my printer ran out of ink. I spent the night moving…
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on my mind…
This school year has been full of new experiences. As I get into my upper years, expectations are higher and the work load has increased substantially. Sometimes I feel as though all I do is write essays…like the three months…
positive spaces, stimulating discussions.
Tweets along with video from the Varsity.
Dear Fourth-Years
Dear Fourth Years: From seminar papers, weakly class assignments, endless readings and the stress of post-grad looming over our heads like a scythe, I get it. LIFE IS INTENSE! Overwhelmed? Depressed? STRESSED? And, if you are like me, on the…
Getting sneaky about exercise
This week was one of those weeks where it felt like everything was happening at once. I had numerous papers due, campus events to attend, readings to catch up on... it was crazy busy. We’re getting down to that chaotic…