Welcome back to mayhem. For me, the winter break has been one of rest and relaxation, balanced with an above average daily intake of food. While my mind is somewhat ready to get back to classes, my body is not…
I’ve found my escape. What’s yours?
I love keeping myself busy with things I love doing, but sometimes living the 100-mile-an-hour student life takes its toll. I have this tendency to over-analyze and worry WAY too much about everything… so when there’s a whole bunch of…
The Next Step: Finding a Solution
A couple of weeks ago, amidst my blurry week of examhaustion and essay-frenzy, I had hit the caffeine ceiling with my intake, and the results were far from pretty. After accepting the fact that it had become an issue, it…
How to manage post-exam stress
As we all know, exams are stressful. They take a semester's worth of knowledge and cram it all into a two or three hour session. For someone like me who isn't particularly fond of examinations (I much rather write final…
It’s Exam Time, So Take Care of Yourself!
It’s December! And we all know what that means… winter break! Yay! However, there’s just one small thing to do first … Exams. Yes, it makes me cringe every time I think about it. For most of us, exams are…
these are my reflections.
Ha. Usher pun. So, these few weeks have been hectically busy, I imagine, for most of us. Exams, tests and essays. I feel your pain bros. Solidarity with all of you. So, yeah naturally as a U of T student,…
Yoga Lovin’
We’ve all heard about the benefits of Yoga. It’s been said that those who practice the ancient activity achieve greater flexibility and balance as they age, experience lower levels of stress, and are better able to relieve body aches and…
I’M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD…actually I should probably study instead.
When your eyeballs feel like they are about to dry up into prunes, and your legs are achy, and your wrists hurt, and you’ve finally finished that last paper of the term you should reward yourself. What do I do?…
Have I told you lately how much I love you?
I know I hide it well with my inappropriate sense of humour and infinite smile. But let’s be real, I've never been a “mentally stable” person; my heart palpitations are too strong and my thoughts tend to be too dark.…
Unleashing your fierce side, Wen-do style
Before last week, I had never taken any sort of self-defence training in my life. In the back of my head I know that I should be prepared for sticky situations, especially since I live off campus and sometimes commute…