Last week I was attempting to dodge the sleety rain while walking to the subway. Without an umbrella, one particularly windy gust forced me into the nearest building. I entered said building unaware of where I was. I soon realized…
Loading up for winter!
Winter! A time for frolicking in the landscape, making angels in the snow, drinking hot cocoa and marshmallow by the fireplace... Or as most commuter students can probably sympathize, carrying an extra load of stuff to and from school. I…
Harry Potter and U of T?!
Any Harry Potter fans out there? If you are, then I am sure you know what happened this weekend. Yesssssss, Deathly Hallows (part 1) was released in theatres! I grew up with Harry Potter. I remember devouring the first three…
Do more than read this reading week!
If you are reading this, fall break has more or less come to a close and I hope it was as productive, relaxing and fun as everyone planned it to be. I usually get Tuesdays off and go to work anyway, so…
You can call me Ferdinand
Actually, you might want to call me Chris, as in Christopher Columbus. My original idea for this post was an experiment to prove that you can navigate the St. George campus by bathroom graffiti alone. I had in the past…
Are you first in the family?
I still remember when I got my acceptance letter to U of T. Most of my friends have gotten theirs already but I had nary a peep from any of my choices. I applied to just three places, confident that…
Are you getting sleepy?
Hello dear readers! This is my back-up post. What is a back-up post, you ask? Well, we update UpbeaT everyday, right? But we're all U of T students, so what happens when school hits and we don't have time to…
Soundtracks and Study Music…
Music has always been pretty important to me. I can usually be found walking around campus plugged into my iPhone. At Robarts my studying is usually aided by the rhythmic nodding of my head. When I get home on evenings,…
U of T’s planetarium: zoom in from the edge of the universe!
I remember when I was a wee little thing, I'd lie in my bed at night and stare at the ceiling, wishing I could somehow transform the white paint into the night sky. Years later, a friend came back from…
The Story of Willcocks Commons: a car-free pedestrian-only zone
It was a calm and breezy evening as I walked down St. George when something shiny caught my eye. I stopped near the hot dog stand and stared at the stretch of road between Sid Smith and Lash Miller. It…