Here are five habits I've developed to help me have success at U of T.
Taking Breaks with Netflix: My Top 3 Movies to Watch
Somehow, I realized that I had not had any form of entertainment since the start of midterms about six weeks ago. My brain has been swimming circles around Laplace Transforms and Fatigue Limits all thanks to my beautiful Mechanical Engineering…
How I Plan Reading Week (plus some mental break ideas)
Happy Reading Week everyone! Now that the well-anticipated break is finally here, I’m trying my best to plan how my week will go. If you’re like me, you’re struggling to find the balance of taking actual breaks while also catching…
Get Crafty: Hart House Art Sessions
Last Thursday I attended one of Hart House's virtual Get Crafty Sessions! Here’s my review: First we were shown a little presentation about artists who used materials that can be found at home to make their art. This workshop (and…
How I’m Getting Out of the House Every Day
In the summer, I remember leaving the house every day to take walks, explore different neighbourhoods and exercising. But, it's now the middle of the school year, the weather is less warm, and midterms are going strong. So, I’ve found…
Part Two: My Productive Night Routine
This is the second part of my ‘productive day’ blog posts. Last week I shared my morning routine and this week I’m showing you my night routine! Dinner: I’d say my night routine begins at 5:00 pm because this is…
How I am going to be more actively participating
It’s pretty hard to catch a yawn off zoom classes and nobody’s going to share a Timbit with you anymore. It’s hard to listen to someone and even harder to grasp their body language from just their face or impossible…
Bath Bombs and Face Masks: A Self-care Deception
It was in my first year of university that I decided to put my foot down and really focus on myself. And that is when I found self-care. I was introduced to the world of facemasks, colouring books, pretty journals,…
How I Create Boundaries Between Studying and Breaks!
With online schooling, studying and social time has just become a constant blur. Just yesterday I was studying for my midterm and was constantly distracted by the quicksand of texts and social media. What may be most difficult about effectively…
My Productive Morning Routine
I am a strong believer that the way I start my morning affects the rest of my day. This post is about my morning routine on a normal school day, with the goal of making sure I stay productive! Wake…