Hi all! As the semester is wrapping up, I wanted to share some break ideas during this final exam grind AND for the upcoming winter break! This has been a challenging semester and a challenging year. I hope you are…
Inspiration and How It Can Help Motivate You
It’s that point in the semester when life gets pushed to the side and it’s all about crunching in as much studying as possible. For me, this usually leads to feeling unmotivated (and miserable!) until exam season is over. One…
The stuff that matters
With the holidays almost upon us, some of you may have already or be thinking about leaving your belongings in boxes at a friend’s house or in storage. Maybe you’re going home from campus and you can leave stuff in…
My First Semester Living Off Campus
For the first time ever, I lived alone off campus and it was definitely an eye opener. During the summer, I made the conscious decision of living by myself to experience life as an adult. I really wanted to try…
Equity at the University of Toronto
This week, I filled out the U of T Student Equity Census survey. This survey, which I accessed through my Acorn account, was sent out to understand the demographics of U of T’s student population. I think this is a…
We Deserve a Round of Applause
The pandemic was something that surprised me and I'm guessing surprised a lot of us as well. It was just something that was never expected to play out this way and it was big 360 degree turn of our way…
Short Stories to Read During the Break
We have almost reached the end of the semester and then we will be free for an (extended) break! Usually, I promise myself that I’ll read a novel over the break but that never happens. So, I decided I would…
Christmas study snacks
As the winter cold keeps creeping inside, I find comfort in eating and comfort eating to be something I do a lot at this time of year. Maybe it’s because the Christmas period is around the corner and all I…
How I Stay Connected to U of T Campus Events (at home)
Hope you are doing well and keeping warm! I feel like at this point in the semester, life has been focused solely on school. So, I wanted to bring to light how to find workshops and events that can bring…
How I Focus on My Wellbeing During the Exam Period
We're slowly getting closer and closer to finals! At this point I'm not sure whether to be excited or sad. Excited to go on winter break and have a great Christmas but sad that I have to grind for finals…