My first blog post! On a blog that I know people actually read! Hello everyone, My name is Ishita and I’m going to be a blogger for Life @ U of T this year (like you couldn’t figure that out…
UTSU’s Got YOU Covered (For a variety of health and dental things)!
The last few weeks of lectures have made me realize something important: I’m in dire need of an eye exam. But, with the cost of tuition and books, campus food, and a Metropass, how am I going to afford an…
Tweeting your way to student engagement
Are you on Twitter? If not, you should be. To me Twitter is more than just another dumb social network (although it can totally seem like it sometimes) but a way for a person to stay constantly informed and up-to-date…
H(e)art House
While I’ve previously talked about finding myself, what I’m studying and how my college has helped me come to terms with who I am and what I hope to do, one of the places on campus that had an important…
All about Me and You and Learning
Hi there, I’m Lori. You might remember me as a past blogger for student life, but I have moved on to new experiences and I am now blogging for C.T.S.I., The Center for Support and Teaching Innovation! This year I’ll be inviting…
My Graduation Bucket List
This is no ordinary list of goals for the school year…this is my GRADUATION BUCKET LIST!! My time as an undergrad is limited. I only have eight months to self-induce every possible “university experience” before I enter the realm of post-grad.…
10 Types of Friends You’ll Most Likely Make at U of T
During your time at U of T, I bet you this year’s tuition that you are going to meet some of the most randomest, most beautiful, most unique or even the most interesting personalities you will ever meet in your…
how I met my college.
Author's Note: Different students will have different reactions to this post. Trinity College students will probably find this post annoying. UC students will probably find this post awesome. Other college students will probably be apathetic towards to this post. Please…
My College and I
This week at Life @ U of T we will be trying something new! All posts this week will be dedicated to providing you with a diverse set of perspectives on U of T’s college system and the significance or lack…
Meet Jessica, My Soul-Sister
httpv:// That’s what friendship means to me. Camaraderie. Ride or die. Through thick and thin. I would not have survived the last two years without the friends I have made at UofT. I used to think that true friendship was…