You’re four. Your grandmother asks you what you want to be when you grow up. What a silly question, grandma! Has she not been noticing your doctor’s kit for the last eight months?? Maybe it’s the science-fiction-romance poetry you write…
Lessons learned from my first year in the Life Sigh stream
Did you know: If you take a full course load for all years of undergrad leading up to med school applications, the U of T Faculty of Medicine will drop six half-courses with the lowest grades from your admission GPA?…
My work-study: How U of T can help you find a job while in school
The financial struggle is something most students can relate to. Between tuition, textbooks, rent, utilities, FOOD, and oh yeah, social outings, our expenses really add up. What’s just as real is the job-finding struggle. No one wants to hire you…
Getting in and Getting Connected
Wow, this semester has flown by! I turned around twice and *poof*, February is almost over. University years are the fastest and wildest, after all. What university students do is not easy. We have all taken some blows to make…
Getting involved with conferences
My reading week was split into two tasks: (a) grading midterms for the class I TA, and (b) presenting at an conference in Michigan. I've been at UofT for five years, but this is my first year applying to conferences. Upon…
b2B History Alumni Dinner – #TryitUofT
Over the last year and a half at U of T I think it’s safe to assume that I have received 1000+ emails to my school email address. While a lot of these did contain valuable information about courses, midterms,…
UTSU Club and Summer Job Fair
The beginning of January may seem like a weird time to start thinking about summer jobs but when it's -26 outside everyone's mind is on that blistering heat that we complained about all summer long. January is also the time when you…
New Year, New Me (Hopefully)
Welcome Back U of T! The turkey has all been eaten, the sidewalks are icy, and the bookstore is busy again. It’s the beginning of a new semester which means it’s a fresh start - a clean slate to leave…
Looking Ahead, and Choosing a Path
Dealing with your program can be stressful. Choosing your degree can be hardest. This question can be easy for some people, but asking yourself what degree you want can force you to ask bigger questions as well. For me, choosing…
Alumni Benefits
I’m still getting used to the idea that I am an alumna of U of T, even though I officially graduated three weeks ago. Maybe it's because I'm spending the summer here at this magnificent blog, but I don't feel…