Cookies are a staple of my diet. I eat at least one per day. If I ever awoke one day to a chocolate chip shortage, I really don't how I would deal. Cookies are not just yummy snacks for me,…
What the Writing Centre Really Does
Sometimes after your first year, it feels like the universe stops offering you free workshops, free pens and free advice. I beg to differ. I mean it’s not like the Career Centre disappears into the abyss as you approach your…
The 5 Stages of Rejection
Over the summer, I applied for a job as a receptionist at a dental office near my house. I was surprised and excited when I received an interview. The pay was great, the hours flexible, and I thought the position…
Let’s Talk Health… Mental Health.
This week, I decided to check out the $5 lunch and Mental Wellness Fair, hosted by Health and Wellness, at Hart House. It was an eye-opening experience because I had no clue about the sheer amount of resources available on…
You’ve Gotta Be Kidding Me
Breaking Bad (…habits)
Moments like now, or rather months like now –also known as one of the more intense months of doom- everyone I know is rushing to keep it all together for the month. A lot of the time it’s like going up…
All Night Long
As a result of all the midterms and assignments that have been piled on my plate in the last week, I can now say that I have successfully pulled off my first all-nighter of the year. I know I’ve been…
Goodnight classes.
Goodnight chair. Goodnight paper. Goodnight pen. Goodnight screen. Goodnight lecture theatre. Since my first year of university, I have had 5 night classes, 3 of which are in this semester. Night classes, especially when you commute from far away and…
Dude, Where’s Your Phone?
The last two weeks have been a little crazy for me, in between trying to deal with the impending dooms-deadline-day that is next Thursday, to a family emergency, it’s been really rough. Coming back to my dorm room after an…
Thanksgiving: Family, Friends, Food, and Fresh Starts
With a whole month of school behind me, and a whole bunch of assignments before me, the Thanksgiving long weekend was a welcome break to an already super busy year. Catching up with family and friends over some really delicious…