Dear future, stress-free self, You've come so far in your undergrad journey. Just take a minute to reflect on the past two years you've had at U of T and I hope you realize that you truly are a superstar.…
Navigating the Final Stretch of the Academic Year
I have been counting down the weeks of this semester since the first day of school! Back in January, when I was putting my calendar together, I thought to myself "wow, this is going to be a brutally long 14…
How Does It Feel to Be Graduating?
It’s my last week of school, and it feels so surreal to be graduating after four years at U of T. Today, I wanted to reflect on some of the emotions I’m feeling about graduation in case other students are…
Signing Off
Two years of blogging for Life@UofT, and my time as a blogger is coming to an end. Welcome to my final post! I’m sad to be leaving but it’s time for me to graduate (fingers crossed I manage to hand…
So, what happens to all the lockdown pets?
Recently, I've heard that many animal shelters are filling up because of people’s lockdown pets and many have been getting way too full as the lockdowns are lifted in different countries. Some of my friends have looked after pets for…
How I Stay Sane During Final Assessment Period
There are only two things that make me question my sanity: my unfaltering love for TV shows from Spain and final assessment period. Going through exam period is easily the most stressful part of being a student. It's a not-so-fun…
4 Tips for Maintaining Balance During Exam Period
It’s almost exam season! Given that I’m in my fourth year of school (and my eighth exam period ever!), I’m starting to get a hand of the end of term grind. Today, I wanted to reflect on things I do…
A Low-key Approach to Journaling and Creative Writing
Journaling has been a really productive and creative way for me to process my emotions. It can be intimidating but once I started trying it casually, I found it really helpful to declutter my brain and lighten my mental load.…
Quick Tips to Deal with Stress
If you clicked on this blog post you’re probably past the point of ‘time management and plan ahead is the best way to relieve stress’. It’s also at that point in the year where even taking a break to exercise…
My Hunt to Find The Best Donut Shop in Toronto
March is definitely the time to buckle down and do nothing but work… right? Well, this month I went on a fun and exciting adventure to find the best donut shop in Toronto! My partner loves donuts so much and…