If you want to look at how you can decolonize your student experience and gain a greater understanding on how Indigenous knowledge can be applied to all aspects of life, this is absolutely for you!
New Year, New Me: My Experience Going to a U of T Fitness Class
This year I'm determined to branch out more, and so on Sunday morning last weekend I dragged myself out of bed and went to a yoga class offered through U of T Sports and Rec.
From Homebody to Schoolbody
As any class comes to an end and I begin closing my laptop and packing my bag, all I really want to do is go home. As a commuter student, it’s easy to dash right back on the subway after…
6 Tools I can’t live without as a student
Productivity is something that I have always struggled with. Given that we only have about 24 hours in a day, at times we may feel as if we need to fill each and every minute with something or else we…
Planning Tips to Start the New Year Right
I find my planner so stress relieving, and so I want to share some of my favourite planning methods with you!
3 Ted Talks to help you kick-start the new year!
No Phone Mornings: How I’m Trying to Fix my Morning Routine
I've recently noticed myself spending way too much time scrolling on my phone first thing. Before I know it, that whole first hour has gone by, and it can make me feel off all day. I've been trying to avoid going on my phone for the first hour after I wake up, and it's really changed my whole morning!
Don’t Press Snooze on This!

I hope everyone had a relaxing reading week and finally got to catch up on some much-needed relaxation! Getting to sleep-in past noon was definitely a highlight for me! During reading week, I attended a Health and Wellness Sleep Well…
Our First Mindful Moments Class Experience
Time flies! The fact that we are already done with our first month of school is unbelievable. With things moving quickly, due dates coming up and midterms approaching, it is essential to care for our minds, and bodies by taking the…
Lessons from 2020-2021 (feat. Break Ideas!)
As I reflect on this past academic year and my time blogging for Life @ U of T on behalf of Accessibility Services, I am really appreciative for the blog as a safe space for me to journal, grow, and…