I cried. In a room of strangers, I cried.
Take it easy
It's reading week but I don't know how to relax. I'm still in full school mode, waking up on time for class. School puts me in a super-active state of mind. I have to keep on doing things, and there's…
Confession pages and anonymous submissions about failing midterms
I came across an Instagram account that posts anonymous reflections supposedly submitted by U of T students. They go by <@uoftears_>. A common theme that comes up on the page through these so-called confessions is failing midterms. Failure is par…
Balancing Studying and Relaxation During Reading Week
We've gotten through it, the first half of the semester. The long-awaited Fall Reading Week is finally here. For many of us, it's a welcomed break from the demanding schedule of classes and early mornings. For others, relaxation is hard to think…
What’s On Where? – Staying in the Know at U of T
I get asked, "How do you know about all these things happening on campus all the time?", a lot. My mental answer is always - how could you not?
Decluttered Room, Decluttered Mind
I never took the whole “messy room means a messy mind” thing seriously when I was growing up, no matter how many times my parents told me to clean my space. But I'm starting to have second thoughts. My room…
Avoiding the Dreaded Freshman 15
Ah, the famous freshman 15. Sometimes seen as a myth or a joke, and sometimes seen as a prerequisite to university, gaining weight in first year was definitely on my mind when my schoolwork started to pick up. I knew…
Contingency Pack – Being Ready for Anything at U of T
All you Doomsday Preppers out there, this one is for you.
Winter is coming
The frigid air hits my ribs through my fall coat. My hands cannot survive outside of my pockets for more than a few minutes. Winter is coming, and in Toronto that means spending half of your day putting on and…
My First Midterm at University- 3 Things I Would have Done Differently
October is drawing to a steady close, which also means that midterms are ending for many. As a first-year student at U of T, term tests seemingly came out of nowhere, just as I was struggling to adjust to the…