As we wait for the return of our regular bloggers this week, we have invited a number of people to guest blog for us. Today’s post is from Sunny Yin. By Sunny Yin A long time ago, twins were born…
An architecture tour @ UofT
With styles dating from 1856 to the present, the St. George campus at U of T is like a museum of architecture. When I first started taking pictures for my quiet spaces posts a couple of weeks ago, I discovered…
The end that is no end at all
Oh, sweet summer. The cicadas droning from somewhere near a bone-dry tree, leaves clapping in the breeze. Blades of grass tickling the skin while lying prostrate in the park. That sleep-inducing late afternoon haze. It was only weeks ago that…
U of T Radio: Money Money Money
Chris is an undergrad who wears bowties and sweaters and threatens to leave a trail of energy on the floor behind him. I work two days a week behind a desk at CIUT and when I hear the sound of…
Serendipitously Finding ‘Reflect 2009’
So, yesterday afternoon, as I was rushing to the UC Junior Common Room to buy some kind of lunch/dinner-for-later and worrying about what my soon-to-be-late blog post would be about... I wandered into an art show. Apparently, today was UC's…
Perfume: The Story of a Nauseated U of T Student
Girl A: Oh my god!! Guerlain Shalimar! Smell it! Smell the bergamot? Iris? It's supposed to have a vanilla base. Oh my god I'm in love! I have to get this!…
Arts Week, Next Week: uft haz artz o i didnt no
Have you been to 1 Spadina Crescent? I went once last year. On a random day. It looks ghostly from the outside, and I felt like an intruder (as it was particularly empty at the time). In first-year, part of…
A picture (or two), a flighty student, and a thousand words
It's easy for me to think of myself as being a little flighty. You could shack me up alone on an wooded island for a week, plunk me down in the middle of Calcutta, or place me in the dusty…
Not Very Upbeat at the Moment
Last... Thursday, I attended an entrepreneurship lecture entitled “"Exploring the opportunities and challenges of starting and managing a video games studio" by Tom Frencel, a U of T computer science graduate and president of Capybara Games Inc. I ran to…
UTGDDC: Game Making Deathmatch, and a Tribute to Randomness
I hope you like non-linear narrative GAME MAK- Ah. Before that, did I mention our 'in-house' game project this year? We're attempting to develop, or at least flesh out the ideas needed to develop, our own game within the club.…