"So what's your major at U of T?" I get this question all the time, to which I quickly utter something along the likes of "fine arts". Read my bio to find out why... Sometimes I cut out the "fine"…
Make it a DIY Holiday
As I was roaming the aisles of the grocery store this weekend making my weekly food run, I couldn't help but find myself humming cheerfully to the tune of "Jingle Bell Rock". That's right, it's that time of year. No, not quite…
Harry Potter and U of T?!
Any Harry Potter fans out there? If you are, then I am sure you know what happened this weekend. Yesssssss, Deathly Hallows (part 1) was released in theatres! I grew up with Harry Potter. I remember devouring the first three…
Add some drama to your life
"What if life were like a musical?" I wondered while catching up on the latest episode of Glee. With the rise of shows and movies like Glee and High School Musical, U of T took note and hosted its very own…
Summertime, and the living’s easy
Are you there, student population of U of T? It’s me, Lizzie. Who am I? On a metaphysical/psychological level, I'm uncertain. Depending on who I’m talking to, I would describe myself as someone going into their fourth and final year…
Introducing the library video contest winners!
Happy belated Easter, dear readers! Hope you enjoyed the gorgeous weather. I absolutely did! Exams are starting (ugh, I know), and unfortunately, I foresee lots of time spent cooped up in the library, looking forlornly out the window at the…
The keener’s perspective on doing stuff at U of T
"I feel like I missed out on undergrad." I said it out loud to no one in particular and was overcome by a fleeting moment of emptiness before being yanked back to reality. It was Saturday night and my friend…
Bugging out about Hart House Craft Night
I wouldn't normally associate insects and crafting, but I recently made a friend in one of my EEB classes who is also into knitting, sewing and making crafts. We decided, while making hymenoptera collections, to venture out last night to see…
Art Galleries at U of T!
Hello dear readers! Today marks the 3rd week back from holidays! Hope you guys had a good one. School isn't piling up yet, right? Right! And that's why you should take the opportunity to visit all the galleries around the…
Crumpled Paper Magazine: Looking for Submissions. Draw instead of Facebook!
Sometimes I want the professor to goad the pretentious commentators in my classes just so I can doodle. I can't doodle at home. I can't doodle when I concentrate. Then my brain goes "Hey. This looks pretty good. Let's turn it into the…