Well, well, well. It's been about 84 years, but here we are folks. This is my final post on the blog. Thanks for reading. If the Community Crew was One Direction, I'd be Zayn. Api would be Louis. It was…
Making the Switch
Do you folks ever have revelations while cramming for a final? I don't mean revelations like "I'm going to turn on an episode of Gilmore Girls now because I know I'm going to fail tomorrow." No, no, no - that's…
When Your Exam Season Becomes a TV Show
Guys. Guys. GUYS. I have something to tell you. It's not going to be pretty, but we're all adults. Sometimes we just have to rip that crusty band-aid off. Please make sure to move that latte you have next to your MacBook…
All Night Long (Not the Lionel Richie Song)
I don't know if this has occurred to anyone yet, but today is the last day of March! AHHH! The break is so close -- I can taste it! I can't believe this is my last post! Logically then, I've decided to write…
RENT: Not the Musical
School is almost over! It doesn't seem like that because we haven't started exams yet, but classes are done next week. For people who don't have any exams... I hate you with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
Back to the…
So You Had a Bad Daze
I am taking a cue from Haley this week. It's time for a little chat about mental wellness. Dear friends, I'm going to be honest. March is never a great month for me. It's like one bad day after another. Oh, March. Final papers, interviewing…
Cultural Appropriation, Race-Themed Parties, and Other Woes
Over the past school year, I have noticed a troubling amount of race-themed parties being promoted on campus. It wouldn't be as offensive if the organizers of these events were sincerely ignorant of race relations; however, many individuals have voiced concerns, only to…
March-ing Towards Student Government
As the second half of the semester begins, we are soon approaching the very political month of March. This is because March is typically the month when most branches of student government hold their elections. There is going to be as…
Reading Week Blues
It's Reading Week. Lord God Almighty, it's Reading Week! Reading Week. That magical time of the year where I could go anywhere, and take a nice breather. A whole week of sowing my wild oats? NYC? MTL? The possibilities are literally endless.…
Doing #joyatUofT
So, we're approaching the middle of February. You know, the most wonderful time of the year when your dreams decide to go on sabbatical. When you either have 500 midterms/reading responses/papers the week before Reading Week, or 600 midterms/reading responses/papers…