Navigating campus for the first time can feel like you're travelling through an unknown foreign land. With over to 150 buildings, getting around the St. George campus can get confusing. Even after attending U of T for a year, I still find myself happening upon parts of campus that I've never seen before. However, there are a few buildings and places that you'll definitely encounter during your first year, and to save you the trouble of finding them yourself, I've outlined them below. You can view the locations of each of these places by clicking the building code beside the map.
Convocation Hall - CH

If you're a first year at U of T, chances are you'll have a class in Con Hall. Con Hall seats 1200+ people, and hosts all of the big intro classes, from Philosophy to Biology. Due to the nature of the space, it can be very easy to get distracted from your lecture and end up scrolling down facebook. Try sitting on the first floor close to the stage, you'll find yourself more focused on the lecture than you would be if you were sitting up in the balconies.
Queen's Park

Queen's Park isn't just a great place to have a picnic, it also serves as one of the major thoroughfares of campus. Sitting north of University Avenue and College Street, Queen's Park divides St. Michael's college and Victoria college from the rest of campus. Even if you're not living at or taking a class at either college, you'll most likely find yourself having to cross the park sometime during the next school year. Protip: If it's very snowy or very muddy just walk around the park, trekking through the park in certain conditions will take just as long as walking around it.
Sidney Smith Hall - SS

If your class has a tutorial, there's a pretty big chance it'll end up taking place at Sid Smith. However, Sidney Smith isn't just a building full of tutorials, it also serves as the home of everything ArtSci. Many different departments house their offices in Sid Smith, and the ASSU (arts and science student union) can be found on the first floor.
Robarts Library - RL

With 13 floors, Robarts is the largest library in the university. Robarts contains many other libraries inside of it, and has study spaces that are open 24 hours! There's a Starbucks on the second floor to help fuel your study sessions, but make sure to bring your own coffee if you plan to pull an all nighter since it usually closes before 10pm.
Koffler Student Centre - KS

Besides the bookstore, The Koffler Centre houses the Health and Wellness Centre, the Career Centre, Housing Services, and more. If you're looking for help or advice the Koffler Centre is the place to go.
Hart House - HH

Hart House is the place if you're looking to work out, unwind, or try something new. Hart House has a beautiful gym and pool, an art gallery, a theatre, and beautiful study rooms. It also houses many extra-curricular events, clubs, and programs!
Check out what's currently going on at Hart House.
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