Backing Up Files on Windows 8

You finally finish a huge essay, a day before it’s due, and your computer crashes. Or you accidentally delete the file. Or someone steals your laptop! You can rewrite your entire essay from memory … or maybe you should have backed up your files.

Windows 8 has a setting called File History, which we can use to back up our files to external USB memory stick or (preferably) hard drive. First …

  1. Plug in your external drive. A popup should appear in the corner of your start screen or desktop.
  2. Click or tap that popup and select ‘Configure this Drive for Backup’
  3. File History should open on your Desktop
  4. Select your external drive from the list, click OK
  5. I would recommend to keep the default files and folders to backup, but you can change this if you want.
  6. Make the following selections:  Save Copies of files Daily, use 10% of the disk space, and keep saved versions forever.
  7. Save Changes.

Windows 8 File History - Turned On

The initial backup may take a few minutes. Afterward, you can back up your files any time your external drive is plugged in. Simply open File History and click ‘Run Now’. The easiest way to open File History is to just search for File History under Settings from the Start screen. You can find more info on File History on the Microsoft website here:

Windows 7

 Of course a lot people are still running Windows 7 – you can search for Backup and Restore in the Start menu. Check out a video and instructions  from Microsoft here:


Backing up your files can really save you from disaster – it’s highly recommended!