One of the first pieces of advice I was given when I got to university was, "Make sure you get as much work experience as possible before you graduate." Seeing as I'll be graduating shortly, I've been taking this advice…
Not very many students seem to know about Degree Explorer. Before an acquaintance of mine introduced Degree Explorer to me, planning out my academic year typically involved sitting hunched over a notepad, counting FCEs and writing out course codes, while…
Whenever there's a change in seasons, I tend to get introspective. To me, autumn in particular always feels like one chapter ending and another beginning. Maybe it has something to do with the change in sunlight, the temperature fluctuating, or…
Back when I was in high school, my father would always tell me that I needed better time management skills. I'd like to say that now I'm a master of scheduling, a non-procrastinator who gets things done immediately with magical…
With course selection on the horizon, I thought I’d introduce myself with a post about how I use planning as a tool to minimize my anxiety when school is in full swing. After two years at U of T, involving…
U of T’s student organizations welcome freshmen with open arms. After all, new students are every club’s future leaders. With multiple Club’s Days, and Open Houses, there’s no shortage of ways to get involved with groups that pique your interest.…
I am drowning in essays, every single word coming out of the pages of my novels and off of the multiple Microsoft Word documents I have open all at once. season! In all honesty, I don't mind writing essays…
Is it just me or has reading week snuck up on us this year? I feel like I just started my courses last week and all of a sudden half of the semester is gone. As I’m scrambling to get…
I know you just read that title and exclaimed, "Exams? Prep? Already?" But I checked my calendar and today is exactly three weeks until my first exam. Initially, I thought that sounded very far away from now as I still have final…
Hi, my name's Liana and...I'm a member of the Procrastination Nation. It's a magical nation where I go to avoid all of life's responsibilities and PROCRASTINATE. I discovered the Procrastination Nation fatefully in the 9th grade when I said to a friend, "There's a whole group of us that procrastinate. It's like we're in our own world," and thus, the Procrastination Nation was born.
Me when I see that I have too many things to do...
In all seriousness, it was just a silly term that I used to describe moments when I was procrastinating school work and was off to the "Procrastination Nation", meaning that I would do anything to avoid actually working. But the funny thing is...I'm a "planned" procrastinator. I know what you're thinking, "Liana, please stop throwing all these random, weird terms you've come up with at me." Okay, okay, I promise I'm done. But really, I'm a planned procrastinator which means I actually PLAN when and how I'm going to procrastinate, instead of doing what I actually need to do.