Last night I slept for 8 hours… …and I didn’t feel guilty! Sleep has not been an easy thing to for me to do these past couple of weeks. Not because I can’t sleep, but because I have to stay…
Getting involved with conferences
My reading week was split into two tasks: (a) grading midterms for the class I TA, and (b) presenting at an conference in Michigan. I've been at UofT for five years, but this is my first year applying to conferences. Upon…
Why cookies are so important
Cookies are a staple of my diet. I eat at least one per day. If I ever awoke one day to a chocolate chip shortage, I really don't how I would deal. Cookies are not just yummy snacks for me,…
Yes, I’m crying. Why do you ask?
Sometimes the best thing you can do about school is cry. I mean it. When you have three papers due within three days and your brain refuses to construct a single coherent sentence, crying is perhaps the only thing…
Assigned Readings at U of T: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Up to last week, I believed that the r'aison d'être behind studying English is good communication. Boy, was I proved wrong: for a fourth year seminar, I was assigned an article, Animal Nomenclature: Facing Other Animals, by Richard Nash, English academic extraordinaire. First…