On Friday, Shannon asked for healthy recipes, and I thought, who better to turn to than U of T's very own Culinary Arts Club! "I would suggest making chili - Chili is one of my favourite things to eat! It…
Party with brain food
Last week, in my St. Patrick's Day green, I celebrated food. Usually, my food parties involve ice cream, sour ju jubes, and pizza. Readers, I'll admit, I have the worst sweet tooth, especially during exams when my mouth is like a…
UpbeaT does Frosh Fit!
On March 11th, the five bloggers of UpbeaT went to Frosh Fit together. This week, each blogger will be posting about their experience. Today is Cynthia's. Last Friday, the five of us gals checked into the Athletic Centre for a…
What are those green trays on campus?
Happy Super Bowl morning-after! Thoughts on Christina's fumble? Favourite ad? Best movie spots? Tell me in the comments*! I don't know if you've noticed, but at various food places across campus, you have the option of getting your meal in…
Student Savings and Money Matters
As the holiday season had come and gone, I couldn’t help but notice the same trend happening with my Christmas cash and the money I had saved up in my bank account. I blame a combination of exam stress and…
Eat yam. An idea worth spreading
My idea: EAT YAM. Brilliant. On December 6th, I was one of 100 lucky attendees of Tedx Hart House: "The Future of Food." TED, (Technology, Entertainment, and Design), is a nonprofit organization devoted to "ideas worth spreading." The evening focused…
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
Last week I was attempting to dodge the sleety rain while walking to the subway. Without an umbrella, one particularly windy gust forced me into the nearest building. I entered said building unaware of where I was. I soon realized…
Eating healthier, staying awake longer
(Before I begin, dear readers, there was no way I could start this week's post without a hearty: Oh, Canada! With glowing hearts, oh Canada! *happy, happy sigh*) Let's see... it's 2:38 a.m., you've been sitting at your computer since,…
Coffee vs. tea, free hot water, and other things about foody places
I drink, like, three cups of tea a day. Sometimes four. It's getting kind of ridiculous. And I love trying new kinds of tea. If you bought me a basket of 20 kinds of tea for Christmas or something, I…
A Deliciously Lethal Combination: Chocolate and Everything Else
Alrighty Valentiners... Here's my next post - Short, but sweet
With the impending Valentine's Day, authors and bloggers alike attempt to entice the public with stories ranging from how to get a date, how to keep your date, how…