If it’s not our personal experiences that we learn from, it’s often what we see on a screen that provides us with new perspectives. Films pertaining to mental health often capture just the surface of what mental health encompasses: It’s…
Somehow, I realized that I had not had any form of entertainment since the start of midterms about six weeks ago. My brain has been swimming circles around Laplace Transforms and Fatigue Limits all thanks to my beautiful Mechanical Engineering…
October is HealthyU month at U of T, an entire month dedicated to celebrating physical and mental health! October 17-21 (starting today!) is Self-Care week, which promotes ways to take care of yourself physically and mentally as well as how to de-stress. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that when I initially thought about self-care, I wondered, "Why do I have to be concerned with how I'm doing?" Well, after some careful consideration, I realized that if I don't care for myself, I get burnt out...easily. I can't always be on the go, go, go (although I do enjoy that) because otherwise all aspects of my life: social, academic, and personal would suffer.
My not-so-secret way (according my friends and family) to de-stress from the enormous amount of midterms I have coming up all in the same week (scary) is to watch some good TV shows and movies. But first, let me explain the source of my stress. I prefer to study in 2 to 3 hour blocks, even though concentrating for that long can sometimes be difficult. Finding time to study for that long can also be difficult, especially with my other commitments. Sometimes I feel stressed out because I feel like I haven't studied enough. However, at the end of my long studying sessions, I mostly feel like I've just come out of a deep slumber, blinking rapidly and looking around wondering "Where am I?" Robarts in the Winter: a building that pulls me in for many hours of studying
As the holiday season had come and gone, I couldn’t help but notice the same trend happening with my Christmas cash and the money I had saved up in my bank account. I blame a combination of exam stress and…
And, a continuation from last post, which is a continuation from the post before… U of T has a lot of students who may not know their way around to the entertainment areas in the city. While I can’t tell…