It’s me. I’m the 4th year. I have one more week left of classes and then I’m done. Oh and exams, but then I’m done. I will be graduating this June. I cannot believe it. I am not ready to…
I lived near campus when I was a full-time student and I still had to rush to just barely make my 10 am classes but lately, I’ve been out of bed by 6:00 am and out the door by 7:00 am. I recently started working full-time while being in school part-time two days a week. I didn't quite feel done with my undergraduate experience when I first got the notification of having completed my credits so I decided to step into the workplace and get the experience but still stay in touch with academia. Before this new position, I had never worked 9-5 every day; I have had summer jobs but all with odd shift hours or 4-6 hours per shift which made sense for me at the time. Now that I have joined the workforce, I am in complete shock of how much more my body is capable of in a full day.
coffee and I, what a wonderful love story
What's your Subject Program of Study? As an undergraduate student this is a question you will forever be asked by not only your Registrar's Office, but your peers, professors, friends, and future employers. Your Subject Program of Study - commonly…
To quote a friend: "I was Spongebob in 1st year; and now I've become Squidward in 4th year." When I was a child, I used to be terrified of the dark. One day, my father told me that all I…