How funny – one moment you’re going to bed at dawn after a night of idly browsing the internet then in another you discover you have a term test, two papers, and the rest of exams following shortly. This has…
We Deserve a Round of Applause
The pandemic was something that surprised me and I'm guessing surprised a lot of us as well. It was just something that was never expected to play out this way and it was big 360 degree turn of our way…
Short Stories to Read During the Break
We have almost reached the end of the semester and then we will be free for an (extended) break! Usually, I promise myself that I’ll read a novel over the break but that never happens. So, I decided I would…
Christmas study snacks
As the winter cold keeps creeping inside, I find comfort in eating and comfort eating to be something I do a lot at this time of year. Maybe it’s because the Christmas period is around the corner and all I…
Comparing My Experiences at UWA with U of T
As I am nearing the end of my term at the University of Western Australia (UWA), I wanted to compare my experiences studying at both UWA and U of T! I’ve found that at UWA, besides language courses, courses are…
Experiencing the Learning Strategist: An Interview
A couple weeks ago, one of my friends had an appointment with a learning strategist at the University of Toronto, and was talking to me about how helpful it was. I had never really heard of this service, so I…
As a student in a non-EST zone
As one of many international students, I am in a different time zone than U of T in the Eastern Time zone. I also know that many of my friends live west of the university all the way to Vancouver,…
How I Focus on My Wellbeing During the Exam Period
We're slowly getting closer and closer to finals! At this point I'm not sure whether to be excited or sad. Excited to go on winter break and have a great Christmas but sad that I have to grind for finals…
How I Think My Exchange Experience Would’ve Been if it Wasn’t Virtual
My experience studying virtually at the University of Western Australia (UWA) has undoubtedly been a unique and enjoyable experience. However, I often wonder how different my experience would’ve been if I studied there in person. One thing is for sure…
Why it’s okay to have an unproductive reading week
Reading week is for getting work done (it’s even implied in the name) but, of all the reading weeks I’ve experienced while at university, it’s probably fair to say they are the time when my productivity is at its lowest.…