It’s that time of year where it seems as if I am catching up with my classes right before a midterm, while falling behind in others. This constant loop of work can be stressful and draining. Whether you have midterms,…
A Week in the Life: Seoul Edition
By the end of last week, I was exhausted from studying. It felt like all I’d been doing lately was problem set after problem set, assignments, and readings. “I feel like I’ve been studying even more than I used to…
Finding the Balance Between my School Life and Social Life
As we put an emphasis on mental health this month, I decided to write about my struggles in trying to find a balance between my social/family life and school life. Last Sunday, my dad had a rare day off of work…
Why I find time to work-out
Although I must admit I’m not the most consistent when it comes to committing to the gym, I am also someone who genuinely enjoys going from time to time. Going to the gym is definitely not as easy at it…
Check out these Go-to Spots for Relaxing and Studying
Do you ever have an awkward amount of time to kill between classes and all you want to do is sit, relax or study in peace? I certainly do! U of T is an enormous place. In the beginning I…
3 Ways to De-Stress During Midterm Season
Halloween isn’t the only scary thing in October… what scares university students the most: midterms. In the midst of midterms, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed. What feels like endless readings and review questions, I sometimes feel like no there’s…
Taking classes from all different levels
As a 3rd year student, I’m able to say I’ve taken classes from all levels at university. From 1st year classes in Convocation Hall, to 4th year classes with less than 15 people. However, I didn’t take all the 3rd…
A Day in My Life as a Life Science Student
When asked about what blog posts U of T students are interested in seeing on the Life at U of T blog, some of you mentioned a “day in my life”, so I’ve decided to make a blog post dedicated…
Already Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How I’m Getting Through It
Even though school only started two weeks ago, I’m already feeling pretty overwhelmed. I’m not sure whether it’s a third-year thing, or whether I just signed up for a lot of hard classes, but I’ve had a ton of work…
Time Management Takes Time
Time Management Takes Time, Part 1 So, we are into our third week of school (second full week) and who is already drowning in school work? You too? Okay, good. Same. The lead-up to school is always fun. The first…