In my first year of engineering at U of T I was so swamped with work because of my poor time-management skills coupled with trying to adapt to a new environment and culture. At that point in my life I…
Being Involved in Clubs at U of T While Doing a Virtual Exchange
While I’ve been doing my virtual exchange at the University of Western Australia (UWA), I’ve also been involved in two student clubs at U of T. I am currently the Vice President of Business Development at the Law and Business…
My Favourite U of T Library Resources
One of my favourite things about being a U of T student is having access to the U of T library system. The U of T library system is the largest academic library in Canada, with 44 libraries across the…
How I Plan Reading Week (plus some mental break ideas)
Happy Reading Week everyone! Now that the well-anticipated break is finally here, I’m trying my best to plan how my week will go. If you’re like me, you’re struggling to find the balance of taking actual breaks while also catching…
Part Two: My Productive Night Routine
This is the second part of my ‘productive day’ blog posts. Last week I shared my morning routine and this week I’m showing you my night routine! Dinner: I’d say my night routine begins at 5:00 pm because this is…
How I am going to be more actively participating
It’s pretty hard to catch a yawn off zoom classes and nobody’s going to share a Timbit with you anymore. It’s hard to listen to someone and even harder to grasp their body language from just their face or impossible…
How I Make the Most of My Virtual Exchange
Although a virtual exchange lacks the travelling aspect of a regular exchange, there are still many great aspects to it. Keep reading to find out how I make the most of my virtual exchange!
Taking Breaks While Staying Focused
Okay, we know that taking breaks is important when you're studying. But, what if you’re like me, and a short 5 minute break instantly sends you into a one hour Netflix or Animal Crossing session? Especially with school being online…
How I Create Boundaries Between Studying and Breaks!
With online schooling, studying and social time has just become a constant blur. Just yesterday I was studying for my midterm and was constantly distracted by the quicksand of texts and social media. What may be most difficult about effectively…
My Productive Morning Routine
I am a strong believer that the way I start my morning affects the rest of my day. This post is about my morning routine on a normal school day, with the goal of making sure I stay productive! Wake…