“Explore your strengths” is an introductory workshop that focuses on getting to know your top 5 strengths. Before attending the workshop, you complete the online assessment, Clifton Strengths Finder by Strengths Quest, in which you’ll receive a customized report of your top 5 strengths and other useful resources on how to develop them.
Mentally preparing for the new academic year: my checklist
While the beginning of the fall term seems far-off now, I know all too well how a semester can seemingly come out of nowhere and have me knocked out before I even get a chance to swing. This is a…
Lunch with 30 Strangers – Alumni Events
I met people from across all three UofT campuses in varying disciplines who had come to UofT from Ethiopia, America, India and Cameroon, to name a few. Half of us stayed to help the host, Paul on kitchen-duty while the other half explored the trails and ponds of the 150 acre property. I learnt that Paul was a New College student like me! Everyone kept asking him which year he graduated but he never gave a straight answer.
The portrait of a leader
I want to share my experiences and discoveries with you, and I encourage you to do the same. Paint your own leadership self-portrait by asking your own questions and trying new things.
The Truth About Summer School
As someone who spent their summers away from the city during high school, academia has never been part of my holiday plan. This year is different. Moving back home to Ottawa for four months, knowing that my job wouldn’t…
Sun’s Out, Books Out – Finding Outdoor Study Space
Even though it's near impossible to find plug points outdoors, I personally enjoy disconnecting every once in awhile. All the places above are near libraries and indoor designated work-spaces that I can retreat to if it gets too hot, starts to rain or if there are too many bugs. Despite this, a huge plus about studying outside is that I can snack at anytime without feeling guilty every bite that I sneak in the libraries - shh!
Branching out with STEM – Volunteering in Your Field
I'm not sure if I should be concerned about how easily motivated I am by food and free t-shirts.. But I think it's a good starting point to getting more involved with the community of my chosen field of study.
Where I lead, I will follow
"Every time I practice these skills, I also practice my confidence and independence, by exposing myself to new experiences and learning about myself along the way."
Accessibility Services: A Primer
Ah, Accessibility Services. What would U of T do without you? Be a heck of a lot less accessible, that’s what. It is one of the most important services available to registered U of T students, who identify as having…
All Good Things Come to and End
The end of the year is full of bittersweet moments. It is a time power through and wrap up a year of hard work, make future plans, and celebrate the accomplishments of the past year. As I was booking my…