By now, diligent, vigilant followers, you have read Fariya’s post on learning styles. Sometime in elementary school, we had to take a written test to determine our learning styles, for what purpose I am not sure. This did not result in…
The Career Centre’s Extern Job Shadowing Program
Happy Thanksgiving, dear readers! Hope Turkey Day is turkey-ful, or, if you're vegetarian, food-ful! As I'm enjoying this wonderful, school-free day (not really - I'm actually trying to finish my notes for my test next week, and trying to get…
Learn How You Learn
There comes a time in university when, subconsciously, you develop study habits which are geared towards your personal learning style. Something as simple as repeating information out loud over and over in order to memorize it, or needing to take notes…
Not Another U of T H1N1 Update
On Wednesday, Sept. 16, the University of Western Ontario's Student Health Services confirmed four mild cases of H1N1 on campus. Oh woe, doom is near! Or not. Surprisingly, there has been very little H1N1-generated tension on the St. George campus…
Work-Study or Volunteering: Working in a school lab
Anyone who's taken an intro-level science course at U of T is familiar with the undergrad science lab: it's big, it's hairy, it appears every other week in three-hour segments, and it leaves you feeling that while you've learned some…
Strange Nuit at Hart House
Nuit Blanche was cold and weird and I wore a funny hat. I went with some friends, and although best partner in crime and I left the downtown core of evil by 3 a.m., we got home around 5. Not…
Sid’s Cafe and … Georgie?!
If you've been to the eatery at Sid Smith or read UeaT, the Food Services blog, then you'll have heard about the newly renovated Sid's Cafe. To be honest, last year seems like a while ago, and I don't particularly…
Peering through the sea of heads
Since I have the pleasure of being short, in several large third-year classes, and possibly just unlucky, I often don't have much of a view in classrooms. Staring at the back of someone's head can be dull! And I've noticed…
What I call the Apocalypse U of T calls The Distinguished Lecturer Series: one way to deal with fear.
There's something about waking in the still-dark hours of the night that causes me to lapse into a temporary bout of intense anxiety, in which I worry about any of the following things: 1) whether or not I really am…
Crumpled Paper Magazine: Looking for Submissions. Draw instead of Facebook!
Sometimes I want the professor to goad the pretentious commentators in my classes just so I can doodle. I can't doodle at home. I can't doodle when I concentrate. Then my brain goes "Hey. This looks pretty good. Let's turn it into the…