For the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me: on some days, when the sun refused to shine, I would slip into a sullen state of emotional treachery. Most times, this ended with me feeling utterly alone…
U of T: The inception
Setting: Upper Canada, town of York. Early 1827. It is winter and it is cold. From a bird's-eye view, the town is a barely discernible band along the north shore of Lake Ontario, surrounded by a patchwork of farmers' fields, themselves enveloped by dark…
Software and internet things for undergrads, ‘overgrads,’ college kids and passersby! Round-up #1!
I peruse a lot of DIY fashion/craftilicious websites and "blogs,"* and they always have these "roundups," like … "Crocheted Nintendo Character Blankets Roundup!" or "Vintage Baby Wear Roundup!" and "Steampunk Bathroom Decor Roundup!" So I am excited to present my…
Your College at U of T: Innis
Good morning, dear readers! I hope you like your Monday classes, because Wacky Wednesday is coming up! Remember to go to your Monday classes on Wednesday! Up next on TCOTUOTSG-AEHS: we have an interview with Paula Greenwood, Assistant to the…
Awesome campus spots you didn’t know about
What I love about UpbeaT is that we're always highlighting new and wonderful things about U of T. Over the school year, I have been lucky to discover some very interesting hidden spots on campus. I'm hoping most of them…
Bugs, fungus and white pines: How to stuff Ontario’s woods into U of T
My general plan for school these past four years has always been to go to class, get good marks, and and at the eventual end of my bachelor's degree, take up those opportunities open to me thanks to my degree.…
On-Campus Safety: an informative yet slightly depressing post
We all know the world is a scary place. First you leave the safety of your bully-infested elementary school. You progress to the scarier world of a teenager-infested high school, where "everyone" enters their experimentation years and can only do…
Your College at U of T: UC
Happy post-Halloween, dear readers! I hope your chocolate/candy stash has been replenished for a short while. I think I have one Kit Kat left in my coat pocket. Anyway! Today, we have an interview with Jason MacIntyre, Coordinator of Student…
Study and Sail Abroad
It's always been my dream to study abroad. Despite the fact that I've missed the optimal time to spend a semester studying in another country (it's recommended in a student's third year), I strongly suggest that everyone experience this wonderful…
Your College at U of T: Victoria
Let's get the ball rolling! First up in the heptadic saga*: Victoria College. I got a chance to speak with Janine Hubbard, Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator at Vic. My thoughts come after the interview! * If you're just joining me…