I had every intention of ignoring the G20. As previously stated, I didn’t know where I stood on all the issues I thought were at play, and thus didn’t want to align myself with a side that I didn’t agree…
How not to choose roommates
So, student lifers, the other day I got a pretty nerve-wracking text. It was from a friend I lived with up until May of this year, saying, "My aunt sent me a birthday card in the mail with a cheque to our…
Bright lights, small univer-city
A huge part of my job is writing profiles of students for the intuit Student Life Guide. In addition to overwhelmingly amazing involvement, these students all share one thing: each and every one commented on how massive U of T…
Methinks we doth protest too much
Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell once came under fire for (allegedly) saying that elections weren’t a time to discuss issues, and I have come to a similarly paradoxical conclusion: Universities are not a good place to have debates. Wait! Before…
Introducing the library video contest winners!
Happy belated Easter, dear readers! Hope you enjoyed the gorgeous weather. I absolutely did! Exams are starting (ugh, I know), and unfortunately, I foresee lots of time spent cooped up in the library, looking forlornly out the window at the…
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't think there was another question I was asked more often as a child. I still get that even now, only the "grow up" bit has been replaced with "graduate." Or, if you're the aunt who doesn't like me…
Research project poster presentations
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the deadlines for undergraduate research courses are looming before us. Two related events - ones that could be really helpful for students thinking of applying to any one of these courses - are…
Be sustainable, be green!
"Hey Cynthia, can you come to the shop for 9:30 a.m. on Friday? We gotta move it to Hart House." "It" is the Blue Sky Solar Car team's baby, named Cerulean. I joined the team two years ago, but since…
Making sense of the U of T elections
You've seen the posters everywhere on campus - Vote for so-and-so! And somewhere in your subconscious, you probably realized there's an election coming up at the University. But if you're like me, you just don't care. It has nothing to…
I <3 the Library!
Happy Monday, dear readers! Reading Week is approaching, and if you’re like me, you’ve been hitting the stacks to do research for your papers. Have you noticed this poster? The Library is holding a video contest! It’s the perfect opportunity…