Throughout my time in university, I have heard the word "resilience" on countless occasions. Whether it was my psychology class discussing the importance of resilience in overcoming difficult situations, examining the resilience of a leading character of a novel, or…
My Grade Went Down How Much???
Now that the second week of second semester is here, gone are the days of lounging around and watching Netflix. Even though it's only the second week, my planner is full of midterm dates and assignment deadlines that seem dauntingly…
Using Rewards to Motivate Your Studying
Finals are approaching, and this is the moment when ultimate procrastination kicks in. I know I need to study, yet I end up with the urge to watch YouTube rather than review lecture slides. Does anyone else feel like they…
Optimizing Studying by Reflection
It's happened to all of us: You sit down, pull out your notes and don't even know where to start. Or maybe you do study, but you have Netflix playing in the background, causing a distracting mess. Optimizing your studying…
Learning How to Keep Organized and Balance
Throughout my first-year, I lacked a structured, personalized way of managing my time. I would scribble to-do lists on scrap pieces of paper, and had a ‘master’ paper of all my due dates, extracted from my course syllabus. This method…
How I Developed My Writing Skills
I have always loved English classes and writing, whether creative or essay-based. Throughout high school, the writing process was relatively natural for me. However, I took an English course in my first year that challenged me to amp up my…
Being a Woman in STEM
This Monday, I attended the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Lab tours event. Having the opportunity to talk to leading researchers in STEM fields like physics, biochemistry and cell biology, I began to think about my own journey as…
An Evening of Learning Effective Presentation Skills
I consider myself to be a strong public speaker. But when it comes to presentations, I feel it is difficult to engage the audience when focusing on one specific topic. This week, I decided to attend an Academic Success workshop…
An Online Course Adventure
With every new semester comes new challenges and experiences. This semester, I’m taking my first online course. To be honest, it wasn’t until this summer that I even knew that U of T offered online courses! It's had its challenges,…
A New Take on Group Studying
When I think of studying in a group, I think about procrastinating and spending my time chatting rather than actually studying. However, my opinion changed this week when I attended an Academic Success Study Hub in the Koffler Student Services…