Author: dara.thomas
Spoken word poet. LGBTQ family member. “Vegetarian” lover of french fries, pizza, and anything else not too healthy or “green-looking”. Yoga enthusiast. Owned by a slightly crazy miniature schnauzer named Thelonious – He Is The Boss Of Her. Former slacker-slash-cruise ship officer-slash-occupational safety manager. Constantly throwing a wrench in a recently uncovered learning challenge, one A-paper at a time, with creative strategies and the guidance of Accessibilities Services. Montreal-born, but Trinidad-bred – she spent sixteen years living in the Caribbean, and is now in search of a way to have her mother’s home cooking Skyped to her. Please do not attempt to tell her that this cannot be done.
When not rushing from class to class, she can usually be found asserting squatter’s rights over an entire desk on the fifth floor of Robarts Library. And looking over her shoulder for library security as she munches on hidden snacks, of course.
Watch weekly as she attempts to juggle five classes, a demanding puppy, volunteer commitments, and leisurely pursuits – all with one hand tied behind her back. Will she crash and burn, folks??? Let’s watch and see…