Emmanuel College Library
This library is hands down my favourite library on campus. It’s hidden away in a little corner of Victoria College in the Emmanuel College building. It’s such a beautiful library and being in the space makes me feel bad for not studying. I especially love the large library windows, specifically the ones that face Old Vic. I never go up to the second floor but when I look up there, I imagine theologians of the past searching diligently for a book they need to translate an original manuscript of some religious text. I love the old wooden furniture and beautiful chandeliers that hang from the vaulted ceiling! Aside from the aesthetic, it’s pretty out of the way so it’s often quiet and fairly empty. One downside to the Emmanuel College Library are that its hours are shorter than other libraries. From Mondays to Thursdays they close at 10 PM and on Fridays and Saturdays at 5 PM.
E.J. Pratt Library

Robarts Library
Finally, Robarts, the giant concrete turkey (or peacock) and the quintessential U of T student experience. I spend a lot of time at Robarts when I’m not on Vic campus. They have great extended hours and a Starbucks in the building to boot! Now if it isn’t your first choice of library, I will say that the more time spent in the space, the more you’ll start developing an attachment to it. I study on the fourth floor a lot more than the other floors, but I also have an affinity for the space beside the media commons on the third floor. The only issue I have with some of the study spaces is the game of chance you have to play to find a lamp with a lightbulb! To make up for this Robarts Library is the only library that allows you to load your TCard with a debit card instead of cash. This is a great thing to have access to when you are like me and rarely carry cash around. Now I know this is a limited list. I wish I had more diversity when it comes to library experiences on campus, however, I’m a creature of habit so if a place works for me, I tend to always go back there. But don’t fret, this leaves me an opportunity to do a second edition! So leave me a comment below of your favourite library and suggest some I should check out! Library Websites: Emmanuel College Library | E.J. Pratt Library | Robarts Library
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