Hi there! I’m Matteo and for the next 8 months I’ll be your Faculty of Arts & Science Student Blogger. Throughout the year I hope to assist you in the enhancement and fulfilment of your undergraduate experience - a lofty goal to be sure and I hope I can live up to the task! With this blog I aim to shed light on the wonderful opportunities to be had at the University of Toronto (be they creative, social or academic – especially international and research opportunities) while offering some tips and tricks that I have learned over my time as an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
I suppose this is a better time than any to tell you all a bit more about myself and briefly go over my experiences as an undergrad. I began my fifth year as an undergraduate in September, deferring graduation last June as I simply wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with myself post-graduation – an issue I’m sure many upper year readers may be dealing with right now (perhaps I’ll elaborate a bit more on my personal experience in this matter in a future post). I’m studying
Political Science with two minors in
Semiotics & Communication Theory and
Philosophy. I hail from the Far East (side of campus) where I am proud to call Victoria University my “home away from home” here at the University of Toronto. While this year I am focusing my efforts a bit more towards the post-undergraduate life (see above where I mentioned that I didn’t graduate because I didn’t know what to do with myself) I am currently an Executive Editor of
HUMANITAS: Victoria University’s Undergraduate Journal for the Humanities (we’re accepting submissions for our next issue right now – if interested click
here!) as well a student representative on Victoria University’s
Governing Council.
In my previous years I have been a Don at Victoria University (as a part of a new initiative tailored towards commuter students), a member of the Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council (nominations for future membership to the council is happening now – if you’re from Vic and are interested in representing students click
here!), and I have founded a number of clubs based out of Victoria University (the aforementioned undergraduate journal, a political science association, and a video game club to name a few).

- So yeah...like I said before, I kind of like Vic. (Image source)
But that was then and this now and I am really excited to get my new position as Arts & Science Student Blogger underway! I am hopeful that it will be an insightful and educational experience for both you and I and I really hope you enjoy reading what I have to say (and if you don’t, please let me know!).
Until next time!,
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