Today's post was originally going to be an ode to the Multi Faith Centre and how awesome it is. But then I found out
somebody did that in the past. Unfortunately, since I am not
Marty McFly, I can't go back in time and convince them not to write it. Besides, if I was Marty McFly, I would go back to 2007 and convince Justin Bieber to pursue a career in interior design rather than music. But don't worry, I have another post up my sleeve. I'm sneaky like that.
So right now, it's the month of Ramadan. Basically, during this month, Muslims (myself included) fast each day for 30 days, from sunrise to sunset. This month, Muslims aim to achieve spiritual enlightenment, to become a better person and to empathize with those who regularly go without food. Weight loss? Pretty much non-existent during this month, cause at iftar (the time when we break the fast); we're all like this:

This past Thursday, I attended an iftar hosted by the
Muslim Students Association at U of T at the
Multi Faith Centre. How 200+ managed to fit into the conference hall at the Multi Faith Centre is beyond me. It was a great event, with great company and lots of free food (did I mention it was free? :D).
Oh and there was cake! So, thanks to the MSA for giving me free food and a great event.

And it all started just because I decided to click "attending" on a Facebook event invite. I had heard about the U of T MSA in first year, but my involvement with them was limited to attending Friday prayers at
Hart House. Each time an event popped up, I had some excuse not to go (too busy with work, etc.) Having attended this event, I'm definitely looking forward to attending more events held by the MSA in the future (that was phrased cornily, but it's true).
If you aren't involved on campus (or even if you are) and you are a person of faith, faith based campus groups are a great way to get involved. Now, I know what you're thinking. Faith groups? Won't it be filled with
Ned Flanders like people? Based on my experience with the MSA and other faith based groups, I can tell you that this is far from the truth. They are just as active, fun and energetic as any other group on campus. Even if you don't identify with an organized religion, the events (open to all in most cases) are still worth checking out.
If you are/going to be a Muslim student on campus, the
Muslim Students Association is an organization worth looking into. Not only do they plan events varying from iftars to community service opportunities, but they also provide resources (maintaining prayer spaces, providing friday prayer services, etc.) and support to Muslim students.
- happy ramadan and take it easy U of T.
- Abdullah
P.S: Good luck to all those Varsity Blues who are
participating in the Olympic Games!
I used to be a student in the late 1960’s and early 70’s at Scarborough College -used to make my Friday prayers at Hart House as there was no mosque in Toronto when I got to Canada. Cant believe Hart House still used as Jumuah Prayer venue. Used to meet at International Student Centre for MSA meetings on Sundays – met very interesting people. Graduated with BSc in 1972 ,did honors year at Guelph . Did a degree in Dentistry at University of Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa where I live right now