Last week I was cold. Winter is almost here and the days of basking in the sun are over for most. Some lucky people, who shall remain nameless, will soon be jetting off to warmer know who you are. I don't wan't to be jealous, but I am. How can I not be? I really want to be warm!
What's a cold person to do?
As I was pondering over this conundrum the other day, I looked up to the grey overcast sky, when what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a greenhouse. How is it that I had never noticed this greenhouse before. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I speak of the greenhouse on top of the
Earth Sciences Building, located just south of Sid Smith on Huron St.
I immediately took action and googled U of T greenhouse on my phone. Lo and behold, I found the greenhouse and discovered that it's open to students Monday to Friday, from 10Am -4PM. Eureka , I had just found my tropical getaway!
I went to visit the greenhouse the next day. Let me just say this: bring flip-flops. It is hot in there. I was dressed in my wool coat, scarf, mittens, hat, and boots. I quickly dropped three layers in order to acclimatize.
I'm not a botanist, but I was impressed with the variety of plant species on display. I came across and intersting looking specimen (I really wanted to say specimen), that turned out to be a vanilla plant. That was the first time I've ever seen a vanilla plant! I'm not sure why, but this really excited me. I do like vanilla a lot.

- Look, a vanilla plant!
Here are some more photos of my trip to the tropics.

- The coolest flower I've ever seen!

- palms, palms, palms

This was a great break from November stress and a fun way to warm up on a gloomy winter day. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a lounge chair, a bikini, and a frozen drink. Do you think anyone would notice if I showed up with my beach bag and caught some rays for a few hours? Next time!
Haha Lori,
I used to do this at UBC in winter.
I, also, never remembered to bring lounge chair and frozen drink.
It’s a great way to forget about winter!