Since I started my job, a lot of people have asked me what is it that I do when I come in in the morning. Apart from my Weekly Wednesday post, what happens in my day? Well, I'm glad you asked, so today's post is all about me. ME. A day in the life of an intern. Why don't we start from the very beginning?
Cynthia's Day at the Office
Every morning, I wake up at 6:50am, take a shower, brush my teeth... oh wait. Not interesting? Okay. Let's fast forward a bit.
As I told you before, I commute.
I take a variety of transit systems.
Yes, I even braved the weird stares to take a picture of my beloved seat at the GO Train for you. Note the ergonomically raised headrest. It is very, very comfortable.
I walk to the Koffler Student Centre building at around 9 every morning.
This is my desk area. It's small, so I can't make it messy.
...never mind. I'm productive, at least.
I have post-it notes to keep track of my on-going projects. Doesn't it look like a restaurant's kitchen counter? And yes, that's a paper voodoo. I stare at it when I want to voodoo somebody. If looks could kill...
Meet Josh's Ghoul. It's a Creepy Face (tm). This is what I tape to people's window when they promise me something and don't pull through (he eventually did).
This is Totoro, the Chinchilla Spirit. I brought it to work one day.
My big boss stuck it on her door, which shares space with her fairy door in the corner. She is awesome like that. My other boss tweeted about it, and my other-other boss just shook his head and walked away. ♥s to all three.
I do do work though. In fact, I have lots of stuff to do each day.
Mostly, I stare at the computer screen and type away maniacally. But I do go around the campus to interview people for you.
Meet Won, who is an absolute gem because he installed Adobe Photoshop and PDFCreator on my computer. Thanks Won!
Sometimes, work entails encounters with stickers.
And making cards.
And usage of sticky-notes. Which are then used in weekly meetings. Like so:
We use stickies to list our monthly to-dos, which I've artfully blurred so it's hard to read.
Totoro guards said monthly to-dos. And blurs the information.
As always, work cannot be done without food. Food is motivational.
Especially homemade cookies, and cakes, and pastries, and almond things.
I've even taken over half the freezer. Microwaveable laziness FTW.
See, there's even food for the fairies!
However, no matter how well we plan, there is always unexpected work to be done.
Once, I had to shoot pictures for my profile. You have to understand that I don't wear nor have hats. I rectified the situation by wearing Josh's insanely suave cowboy hat for the entire day with my face also artfully mosaic'd.
And another time, we had to add a new addition to our digital family. Meet Currently Unnamed, the video companion to our camera, Mr. Spock. A poll is circulating for staff to vote on its name.
And another time, I had to dabble in espionage. But that's a secret, so shhh. How do you pronounce my field name, you ask? Why, Agent a;sdkj!
At the end of the day, I go home the same way I went to work. Commuting.
And that's it! Day(s) in the Life of an Intern. I go to work, work and eat, and go home. Simple, but fun, isn't it?
- Cynthia
And Fairies!
…I like your office
Totoro = Awesome.
Also, that’s a lot of colour-coded stickies…
Me too.
@Illusha: Isn’t Totoro just awesome? The stickies, sadly however, aren’t colour coded.