Transforming the Instructional Landscape: How Tech2U is Supporting Both Students and Instructors

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Fall/Winter 2022-2023

Transforming the Instructional Landscape: How Tech2U is Supporting Both Students and Instructors

In 2022-2023, the TIL team at the Innovation Hub continued to focus on the evolution of the Tech2U pilot program. Tech2U supports instructors by humanizing classroom technical support, ensuring that technology is working and achieves their goals. Tech2U provides direct, in-person technical support to instructors at the St. George campus through a team of full-time Technical Co-Pilots and Student Classroom Ambassadors. This year, the TIL team at the Innovation Hub focused on opportunities to evaluate and improve Tech2U. 

How can we evaluate and improve Tech2U?

As part of the Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL) initiative, the TIL team at the Innovation Hub worked closely with Tech2U, a program providing on-site technical support for instructors. The TIL team collected weekly surveys from the experiences of on-site technical support instructors on the job and worked with the Tech2U leadership to improve the program and student experience.

Logo representing Tech2U with a blue and white tablet and a conversation bubble overlapping.